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"Strawberry" Inch Loss Laser

The FDA cleared “Strawberry” inch loss laser is proven and effective way to lose 2 – 3 inches in just one session.


What is it?

Strawberry Laser Lipo is a procedure in which paddles are placed against the skin, a continuous wavelength laser energy that penetrates 9-13mm deep, safely targeting adipocyte cells (fat cells).

How does it work?

The laser creates pores in the cells, causing them to release the water, fatty acids and glycerol stored inside. Fat cells then shrink in size and the released fluids are processed through your lymphatic system. Surrounding tissues such as blood vessels, nerves and skin cells are unaffected by the procedure.

After a single 30 minute Laser Lipo session, patients typically see instant fat reduction. Most patients describe the laser treatment as a warm feeling (like a heating blanket), with no pain, bruising or downime.  Recommended number of sessions may vary based on body type, weight, and target fat-loss goals to achieve maximum results. 

A double-blind clinical study followed Strawberry Laser Lipo subjects vs. placebo subjects over the course of 8 treatments. The average loss of treated subjects recorded was 3.7 inches at the level of one single measurement (Caruso-Davis, Guillot, Yu, Bissoon, Green, 2007).

What areas can be treated?

  • Stomach

  • Thighs

  • Buttocks

  • Hips

  • Male Chest

  • Back

  • Arms

  • Bra Back Fat, or Bulge

How many treatments are needed?

8 -10 treatments offer the best, long lasting results

Am I a good candidate?

You would not be a good candidate for laser fat reduction if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Photosensitivity from medication or otherwise

  • Crohn’s Disease

  • Pacemaker

  • Uncontrolled hypertension

  • Kidney or liver disorders

  • Uncontrolled diabetes

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Lymphatic disease or disorder

  • Epilepsy

  • Consultation is recommended when Tattoos are in the area you want treated (can cause hyperpigmentation).

The Treatment Process

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Prior to your first treatment, you will be required to complete a medical questionnaire and consent form – this is to ensure that you have no contraindications to the procedure.


  • Drink plenty of water.

  • No eating for two hours prior to treatment. A small amount of liquid (such as water or coffee) is ok. No cream, sugar, or fruit juices please.

  • Wear comfortable clothing. Also wear tight-fitting underwear (panties, brief type), this is usually best for laser paddle placement. Women should wear a sports bra (no underwire) when treating upper body

  • No lotions or moisturizers near the area that you wish to be treated.

  • Do not use self-tanner or spray tan prior to your treatment.

  • Be prepared to exercise within the next twelve hours to help the lymphatic system remove the free fatty acid cells from the body. Your session includes a complimentary 10 minutes on a vibration plate. Please wear socks or comfortable shoes.

  • NO ALCOHOL 24 hours before, and 48 hours after each session. Alcohol slows down the body’s ability to filter out and expel the fatty acids from the fat cells.

During Your Treatment

You will have three photographs taken before you commence your course, and after each laser session. This will be repeated every treatment. Your photographs will remain confidential. You will also be measured for accuracy.


  • It is essential that you carry out at least 20 minutes cardiovascular exercise to burn the fat as fuel to retain the instant results. This process is necessary to stimulate the lymphatic system to eliminate the unwanted fats from your body. Without this the fat cells will return to normal within 24 hours. Vibration plate does not replace exercise, but compliments it. Optimal results can be achieved in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise.

  • Drink plenty of water and avoid fatty foods and fast food within 12 hours of your treatment.

  • NO carbs for 2 hours following your treatment.

  • NO ALCOHOL 24 hours before, and 48 hours after each session. Alcohol slows down the body’s ability to filter out and expel the fatty acids from the fat cells.

  • You might notice a discoloration in your urine and stool. This is your body naturally removing the unwanted residual fats from your treatment.

  • You may experience an increase in energy due to the body absorbing the glycerol released from the lasered fat cells.

Can laser lipo be combined with full body vibration?

Yes, it can. It provides many benefits when used together, such as:

  • Improves clearance of destructed fat cells.

  • Increases the body’s circulation.

  • Improves muscle strength.

  • Vibration plate does not replace exercise but compliments it.


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